
I mentioned, in another post, that there are security concerns with recording our locations in real time.  I have been careful to pay attention to that,'s driving me crazy.  Between busy-ness stretching our the time between posts, and my middle aged brain making remember things, I am losing information quickly.

So, I have decided that paranoia is for the mentally ill, although I do subscribe to the notion that  just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you.  And I think that would work backwards, too.  Maybe.

So, beginning soon, I will be more "recent" with my posts.  

But this one talks about August.

I told you I was far behind.

August started for us in southern Michigan, where we stayed with good friends.  Some of the best places we have stayed during this adventure have been in the driveways of family and friends, not because we're cheap, (because our checkbook says we definitely are NOT) but because time spent with them is always time well spent.  We celebrated 2 birthdays, had Bible study, shopped, ate, drank, ate again, helped in the garden, chased the chickens, and, finally, slept.  I spent an entire morning mapping out a trip to Arizona, making reservations at campsites that I would cancel in October.  Yeah, it happens.  The four of us also taught ourselves to play cribbage, a game which has become a regular pleasant (and annoying) pastime.  

We spent a week on a small lake in northern Indiana, where I had the chance to meet up with some Ft Wayne friends.  Mostly, that week was quiet.  

We spent a week near John's parents in Bloomington, IN.  Well, I did.  John had to be in Huntsville that week, and I was NOT going to Huntsville in August.  So I stayed behind.  During that week, we had the pleasant ?? experience of hearing our neighbor's outdoor jumbo TV play kickboxing until 3am. THAT was fun, and convinced us that we do NOT like campgrounds on the weekends.

We spent a week at Starved Rock State Park in Illinois, where I had long wanted to camp.  It did not disappoint.  We found little coffee shops and bars, and had a lovely dinner for our anniversary that week. 

We ended the month where we started our RV tripping, in Kingston, IL  There's a small Lutheran youth camp there, and they have a little campground.  It's near our son and his wife, and my sister and brother-in-law, so we had some time with them.


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