I thought it might interest some people to see where we've been. Although this trip started at the end of June, I didn't start this record until this month, October. So, below, behold where Behemoth spent June/July.
We started from our home of the last year, Madison, Alabama. (OK, technically, we started from a nearby Cabela's parking lot) Madison taught us alot about life; bloom where you're planted, don't be judging, have fun when fun is available, and not all post offices are at all competent. Being planted in Alabama helped us immensely in starting this trip. We found a well kept and well priced RV and tow vehicle: had we been in another, more comfortable state, we would have had to travel to find them. But, here they were, almost next door.
And yet, at the end of our lease, it was time for other lessons, other fun, and other places. It was time to roam.
Our first adventure was simple. We headed north to our son's, near Memphis, for an overnight visit with him. He is a gunsmith in a small town about an hour north of the Home of the Blues, the Birthplace of Rock and Roll. We had a nice night, and headed north to our old home area in Illinois.
We hauled northward in our RV and UHaul. The UHaul had no cupholder, so I fashioned this MacGyer-style, somewhat bougie one, given the materials, out of a collection of wine corks we've been accumulating.
Following Behemoth was, sometimes, a challenge. I was learning to drive a big vehicle, and other big vehicles were not always understanding. I remember trying to cross a bridge over water; a huge fear for me. Somehow, bridges over land or other roads are not so bad. But over water, I edge close to panic. In this instance, I defaulted to the middle lane, far from the edge. A truck ran up my bumper, honking and swerving. I couldn't even move over, because another truck was about even with my passenger back window. It was not my finest hour, but we all survived. Later, I snapped this; yes, while driving. I will never do it again.

Another son and his wife live in Illinois, and we enlisted them to be the Keepers of our Stuff. (They will have keys and access to our storage locker) We're doing this adventure with no home base, something that makes most people cringe when they learn that. Through three moves, including this one, we were able to whittle our earthly possessions down to some family heirlooms, sets of living room and dining room furniture, and books. (John made me jettison my lifelong rock collection when we left Illinois in 2017. I may never get over it.)
Loading the storage locker was...an awful adventure. As People with Bad Backs, we hired moving help. Our crew in Alabama loaded the truck; they were helpful and patient. The other crew, in Illinois, were not. The lead and I had words, and he threatened to walk. John smoothed things over, and they began unloading. They ended up Tetrising our Stuff in such a way that we found our heaviest box, about 70 pounds, on the TOP of everything, and my grandmother's china on the bottom. I was not amused. We spent 2 days, a couple weeks later, rearranging and reorganizing. (The lead was proud of his ability to "Tetris," and several reviews I read also were gleeful about this. --sheesh--)
While in Illinois, we visited our son at his workplace. If you're ever in DeKalb, IL, stop in at the Ellwood House Museum. It really is an interesting place.
We spent a nice week in the area, visiting some friends, and this happy place.
We celebrated the Fourth of July, and headed north, into Michigan.
Excellent and long overdue update! Keep 'em comin'!