South Dakota, Part 2

 Well, hello, dear reader.  So glad you stopped by.  I'm sorry I was gone so long.

In the age of dinosaurs, 1980, I was in Rapid City, working on my geology degree.  Geology students have to do Field Camp; ours was 6 weeks long, and was mostly held in the Black Hills.  We stayed at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.  We also spent way too many evenings at this place.

It's an elegant place.  It's missing the pool tables, these days.

It was fun to check in.  The bartender looked a lot like Grubby, the School of Mines mascot, whose image I am too cheap to buy.  But you can look him up.

We spent a week in Rapid City, camping at a "camping resort" nearby.  The name is laughable.  I mean, who wants to spend much time at the kind of resort that would put the sewer connections this close to a firepit and picnic table?  

Needless to say, we did not spend much time near the fire, and we won't go back to that campground.

We spent some time driving around, and checked another national park off of our list.  (You can see a young man, Nico, helped us with our selfie)

We took a hike, and saw some of the local "wildlife."  Open range is a thing, and he was all alone.  And much larger than this picture shows.  But he couldn't have cared less that we were there.

And it may surprise you that we found a brewery.  

We also had a few lovely meals, and really enjoyed our time there.  No visit to the Black Hills would be complete without visiting these guys.

South Dakota is growing on us.  More on that another time.


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