Traveling Days

We have a rhythm for this life.  We usually drive about 300 miles, then stop for a week.  This gives us time to see the country, not just drive through it.  It also gives John time to work, which, he often complains, gets in the way of living.  But he soldiers on, because somebody has to pay for campsites and gasoline!

We usually drive on Saturdays.  This, also, can get in the way of living, because we might want to stop and see something, but still have to make some mileage.  So we try to include "something" in the Saturday drive, so that we can see it.

Fridays are spent preparing for the road.  This may mean hunting and gathering (it didn't, this past week) making some small adjustments or repairs, and always means battening down the dishes.  Without some padding, the cupboards bang and clank while we go down the road, and, like Gollum, one of us will whine too much.

Our prep for this week also included a trip to an ER.  ER's and auto mechanic shops are often visited on Peterman family vacations, and, while this is a life, not a vacation, we have visited our share since we set out.  This time it was my turn.  While visiting a cousin last week, her very judgmental deck decided to dump my chair off of it, and I fell.  I thought I might have broken or cracked a rib; I did not.

So now we are west of the Mississippi, and will turn north a bit before making the trek across the Missouri.  It's cool and rainy, but we're in a beautiful place.  More on that, tomorrow.


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