Global Climate Change, Part 2

We have spent the past 10 days or so out of the Behemoth, traveling north for Christmas.  I'll post more about Christmas when it's over, (NO, it's NOT) but I thought I'd update you about our temperature issues.

After John checked on things, and found nothing freezing, we headed north, confident that the Behemoth would be just fine without us micromanaging her.  At 4:30 Christmas morning, however, we were awakened by a chime on John's phone, sent by our temperature monitoring system.  We were worried about cold, but it told us that the interior of the coach was too HOT.  Too HOT?  Yep; it was about 75 degrees in there.  

Well, we knew we had left the heat on, and our electric fireplace, just to keep things as warm as possible.  We knew that sun would shine on it during parts of the day, and we knew that, sometimes, it gets hot enough during the day inside that we can wear t-shirts in 50-degree weather.  But 75 inside during 9 degrees outside?  It didn't make sense.

Honestly, though, we didn't lose much sleep over this, during the next week, although we did get notifications as high as 85 degrees.  We knew that heat would not affect as much as cold, so we just continued our life.

Odd, though.  When we got back to the Behemoth, the thermostat that we had left set at 60 degrees was set at 72.  Huh.  Maybe she just decided 60 wasn't enough for her.  Who knows?


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