A Realization

Back when we were pups, people like us went to high school, then to work.  Or to college.  Some of us traveled.  Some of us did all of the above, in various orders.  All kinds of experiences were had.

John and I went to high school.  We went to college, working along the way.  We met, got married, had kids.  We sometimes marvel that our kids are at the age when we had 2, 3, 4 children, a mortgage, bills we are embarrassed about now, and they don't have those same challenges.  Understand, we are NOT complaining, or feeling like we missed something.  I, for one, firmly believe C. S. Lewis was absolutely right when he said, 

The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions of one's 'own,' or 'real' life. The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one's real life -- the life God is sending one day by day.”

None of what we were living was unpleasant, or an interruption, although that does sound a bit Pollyanna-ish.  It was what we were given by a loving God, and we have been, and remain, grateful for it.

I have wondered, from time to time, what people do after all the choosing of a path and the raising of children and the paying of debts and worrying about health and suchlike is not necessarily over, as such, but less of an unpleasantry, less of an interruption.  I have wondered what the options are, and how we will choose what to do.

Today I was driving through the Smoky mountains, and realized, of course, that we're doing it.  It was given to us to do and we're doing it.

Go figure.


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