Being the adventures of living and working from the belly of the Beast.
A Week in the Life
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We spent a week at Brown County State Park, near Bloomington, Indiana. John’s parents live in the area, and we had a good visit. We also did some hiking, and just plain living. Back on the road again today.
I thought it might interest some people to see where we've been. Although this trip started at the end of June, I didn't start this record until this month, October. So, below, behold where Behemoth spent June/July. We started from our home of the last year, Madison, Alabama. (OK, technically, we started from a nearby Cabela's parking lot) Madison taught us alot about life; bloom where you're planted, don't be judging, have fun when fun is available, and not all post offices are at all competent. Being planted in Alabama helped us immensely in starting this trip. We found a well kept and well priced RV and tow vehicle: had we been in another, more comfortable state, we would have had to travel to find them. But, here they were, almost next door. And yet, at the end of our lease, it was time for other lessons, other fun, and other places. It was time to roam. Our first adventure was simple. We headed north to our son's, ne...
Today's post will be short, although the living needed to develop it was not. Or something. We are in northern Mississippi, this week, enjoying decent weather. Although it rained nonstop yesterday morning, and last night, today it is clear, sunny, and 62degrees. We started this adventure looking for 70degrees or more, but have realized the 60s are really nice. We can wear hoodies, and have a campfire. Also, the RV heats up about 10 degrees each day, so the 70s means its 75-85 degrees inside, and that's just too hot. So, yesterday, I walked over to introduce myself to the campground receptionist. This is one of those people you want to be on good terms with in a campground. If you don't come out of your RV for a day or more, you want someone to miss you and come looking for you, right? We had a good long conversation about the weather, our travels, coffeshops, (and why neither of us likes Starbucks anymore) and our next destination. To whic...
We camped several nights at Tahquamenon Falls. (Look it up. It's a place.) While there, we decided to rent kayaks, and a canoe. Jay and Kris had joined us. The water was clear on the river. I tried to show you some fish here. I tried. It was a gorgeous day, cool and sunny. Perfect for being out on the river. Jay and Kris in the double kayak, young John in the single. Zoom in on his grin. He was born to do this. Molly also joined us. This was just before she started trying to jump in. It was worrisome, until John figured out that she wasn't trying to jump in, but to drink some water! Good dog owners that we are, it slipped our minds to water the dog. We pulled over, and did just that. And, off again! We have talked and talked about buying kayaks. It's problematic, because we have nowhere to carry them. It's not recommended on a soft top Jeep, and, although we tried, we haven't been able to fin...
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